Knitting Superstar: Aspen Poole

Aspen Poole knitter


You can’t stifle kindness and creativity! I thought I’d share this story today.

Aspen Poole is a 19 year-old knitter at Vestal High School, who knits (at an amazing pace!) and crafts for charity. She learned to knit through touch at about age seven, as she was born blind.

Like many of us, she uses her knitting to stay focussed.

Several of Poole’s teachers, including her Participation in Government teacher, Brian Donlin, understand knitting helps Poole learn and allow her to knit in class.
Other teachers have also adapted to Poole’s unique way of focusing. She was cast as a townsperson who knits in “Beauty and the Beast” and will even knit onstage…
If she doesn’t need to use her hands or type on her BrailleNote, Poole keeps her hands busy by knitting.

 – USA Today

Yup, knitters come in all kinds of different packaging.

There are knitting and crochet books in Braille, and even Guidelines for transcribing Knitting and Crochet Patterns.

via Daily Prompt: Stifle

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